HTML 5 Blog Posts

HTML vs XHTML version statistics

Mar 20, 2019

As part of the online demo at we collect summary statistics about pages scanned by our service. One interesting statistic covers versions of HTML and XHTML in common use. As of March 2019: HTML 5 DOCTYPEs account for over 90% of pages scanned (up from 8% in 2011) XHTML 1.0 DOCTYPEs account for under 5% of pages scanned (down from 60% in 2011) XHTML 1.1 DOCTYPEs have vanished, and account for 0% of pages scanned (down from 1% in 2011) HTML 4.

HTML 5.0 becomes W3 candidate recommendation

Dec 18, 2012

After 4 years of development HTML 5.0 finally exited draft status and became a W3 Candidate Recommendation on Dec 17, 2012. HTML 5 will now go through the final stages of the W3 standardization process before becoming a full Recommendation in 2014 (the final published standard). The only changes now to HTML 5.0 will be bug fixes, fixing typos and the possible removal of "at risk" features. New features will be added to the HTML 5.

SortSite 5 now available

Dec 6, 2012

SortSite 5 is now generally available with over 700 quality checkpoints. New features in version 5 include: Record and replay form actions (Professional version only) Enhanced browser compatibility checks allowing ability to choose which browsers to check Analyze and check changes made to pages by JavaScript ARIA support HTML5 validation Performance improvements - twice as fast scanning some sites Record form actions SortSite Professional allows you to record form actions and replay them during scans to check the results of the form action.

Timeline of web standards: 1994-2010

This diagram shows how web standards have developed since 1994. Originally HTML and related standards were discussed and agreed by a small group of interested parties on a mailing list. Later the W3 was formed, and it put in place increasingly rigorous processes, with increasing amounts of public consultation. While solid process and consultation is a good thing, one striking point is how long it now takes to get W3 standards from Draft to Recommendation status.

Web standards implementation process

Oct 31, 2010

The HTML 4.01 standard was introduced in 1999, but 11 years later, no major vendor fully implements it.

Controversial, perhaps, but also true. A lot of flak is rightly directed at Internet Explorer’s lack of standards support, but the other browser vendors aren’t blameless either.