PowerMapper Desktop Reviews and mentions
Reviews, blog postings and testimonials for PowerMapper, a visual sitemap generator.
There are lots of good tools out there to generate sitemaps, but this tool creates 2D & 3D visual sitemaps for you – which is really powerful when trying to understand how crawlers navigate your site, or explain to a client the architectural issues a site may be facing.
Wow Group
This has to be one of the best tools I have ever used within an SEO project. PowerMapper creates visual sitemaps of website so that you can have a complete visual view of the structure of a website.
Microsoft TechNet Magazine
Creating site maps and link checking seem to be part of every Internet engineer’s task list. PowerMapper Professional 4.0 gives you a simple way to spider your sites (check for bad links) and produce nice-looking visual reports of your site’s structure.
InfoWorld Review
PowerMapper, its Windows utility for Web designers, has just one function – creating interactive Web-site maps – but does that job quickly and very well.
Powermapper is spectacular for showing clients the structure of their site without the need for a spreadsheet.
Rodrigo Stockebrand
Now THIS is a great way to view a sitemap! Thanks for building a great tool PowerMapper!