Flashing blink element Accessibility Checkpoint


The blink element has been used, and there’s no way the user can turn the blinking off. This causes severe problems for people with attention deficit disorders.


Replace the blink element with a static element like span.

Applicable standards

Note: Section 508 Refresh (2017) checkpoints are equivalent to WCAG 2.0 level A and level AA checkpoints.

Change history

  • 5.36 Jan 2020 Changed rule ID from AccWcag1-7.2.1 to AccHtmlBlink.
  • 5.3 Sep 2013 Fixed false negative.
  • 5.2 May 2013 Reports which browsers are affected by this issue.
  • 3.0 Dec 2008 Now triggers WCAG2 issue.
  • 2.0 Dec 2007 Now triggers Section 508 issue.
  • 1.0 Feb 2007 Added.

This page describes a web site issue detected in HTML documents by SortSite Desktop and OnDemand Suite.

Rule ID: AccHtmlBlink